Sunday, December 13, 2009

Successfully moved in!

I moved into our new home this weekend, and I have the sore muscles and fatigue to prove it! Many thanks to Greg (Amanda's brother) for helping with the bulk of the moving. It will take little more time to get things situated and completely unpacked (I have accumulated much more 'stuff' since my primitive college days!). After a few more trips to Home Depot and/or Target we should have this place in shape to host Amanda's family for Christmas. We're looking forward to being able to use this space and spend some quality family time in the new home :)

Anyway, I also wanted to let you know that Tyler just posted all our engagement pictures. He did a great job and we're very excited to share them with you all. If you're interested in taking a look, go to and click on Client Access or just go directly to it here: The gallery is “11.8.09 Vyn Engagement” and the password is “schneider”.

Anyway, it's been a long few days and I'm going to sleep for the first time in the new pad :) G'night.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

We are officially home-owners!!!

We can now finally call ourselves home-owners. We signed our lives away this bitterly cold Colorado afternoon, ensuring that for at least the next 10-20 years our debt will heavily out-weigh our assets :)

This delightful, newly bestowed title did not come without some serious frustrations and delays, however... While the government is strongly encouraging first-time homebuyers to purchase, the mortgage companies seem to be doing exactly the opposite. Granted, if I was cooped up in a cubicle for 40 hours a week with little to no natural light, and nothing but a huge stack of papers in my inbox - not to mention a dead-pan boss incessantly breathing down my neck about how I didn't fill out the latest TPS reports properly - I would be a little bitter too! I won't bore you with the details of the hoops we had to jump through, but let me say that I was incredibly surprised that we only had to bump back our closing date once. I guess it didn't help that both Amanda and I were such transient people. We had to track down our rent checks for the past 12 months, which wouldn't seem like that big of a deal... but when we each lived in three different places, paying rent to three different people/companies, it got a little difficult.

At any rate, we are now proud owners of our first home. Now comes the fun part - cleaning! The previous owner had two beautiful golden retrievers, so this could make our job all the more fun. She was nice enough to leave plenty of cleaning supplies though. Anyway, we hope to move me in this coming weekend.

Then soon enough Amanda's family will be out for Christmas and we'll be having a painting party. "Merry Christmas, now grab a brush!" What a wonderful way to spend the holidays, eh?

If anyone else wants to join in on the fun just give me a call :)