Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Four months and counting...

Well it's about time again for another update from team Vyn - once a month is pretty weak-sauce, but until someone decides to pay me for my quips you'll have to be satisfied with the incremental doses of dry sarcasm found herein :)

Now that we've been in Denver for almost two years - and married almost four months! - we're finally starting to feel as though we're growing some roots. Between the small group we joined and the couples community we attended recently, we're starting to meet some awesome folk from our church and are feeling more connected. It's nice to show up on Sunday morning and actually recognize some people, and not just share those awkward handshakes during the meet-and-greet part of the service.

Beyond the idea that we're actually starting to make friends, we also enjoying the Denver area more and more. We've been gradually exploring the city, mostly by way of its coffee shops - which are not nearly as plentiful as was the case in Portland, sigh. Nevertheless, we have been enjoying our study dates as we each work on our lessons and tests etc. - almost makes us feel like we're back in college again!

Amanda recently discovered the artist inside herself that she didn't know existed. She went to a painting class with a friend of hers and came home with an impressive piece that will soon be hung above our bed (picture to follow). It only took her one glass of wine to become so inspired and talented... imagine what she might have come home with if she had a few more glasses!

This weekend we're headed down to Texas to spend Thanksgiving with all of us siblings. We're very excited to see the latest addition to our growing family, and to just hang out as brothers and sister (+ spouses and offspring, of course) for the first time in quite a while. If you can get a sense for the level of dry sarcastic humour spewing from my pores, you can imagine what a reunion of this nature might produce :)

Well, I'm off to pick up my big sis, and then it's six hours down to the Lonestar state. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you Americans!

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