Friday, June 18, 2010

Hooray for summer!

I've been on "summer break" for a little over two weeks now, yet this is still only my second day off... I was in class (summer session for my teaching license) for six days and am also back working at Cherry Hills Country club, so I haven't exactly had much time to decompress after school let out (I'll write a reflection on this past year in a later blog).

Hopefully everyone has received their invitations by now - don't forget to call or e-mail us your response when you get a chance. We've had this nagging feeling that we've been forgetting something or leaving someone off our list - Excel spreadsheets are only as good as the information you put in them! As time gets closer (only six more weeks!) we keep wishing we would have hired a wedding planner. We're down to the nitty gritty now: music, programs, decorations, transportation etc. This weekend we're actually back in Wisconsin for the wedding of a friend of Amanda. Maybe we'll bring a pen and pad of paper to take notes and make sure we're not missing anything in our preparations :)

We're also getting our second set of engagement pictures done on Monday in "The Cities" (Minneapolis) before we fly back home. Amanda's friend Megan will be doing our wedding pictures and she has offered to do an engagement shoot too. I hope we won't come across as narcissistic when people come to our house for the first time and all we have up for decorations is pictures of ourselves!

Well, we're going to watch a local baseball game tonight - Amanda's brothers, Tim and Dan, are playing for Sparta Miller. "Take me out to the ball game..."

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