Thursday, March 11, 2010

Playing host

Last weekend Amanda and I played host to Justin and Ginny, friends of Amanda's from Wisconsin. Some highlights of the weekend were a mystery murder dinner and an Avalanche game - not to mention some stellar meals (thanks Amanda and Ginny!) and stimulating conversation.

The murder mystery dinner production was called 'Murder at an Irish Wake'. I somehow got roped into being the pall bearer, and couldn't help but laugh the whole time cuz the actors were hilarious... I guess that rules out a career in acting for me! Anyway, this was a first time for all of us, so we had a blast. At the end of the show each table had to guess who the murderer was and decide what the punishment should be. Amanda's medical expertise helped us solve the case - acute radiation was the cause, and Dr. Murphy was guilty... kinda felt like a live game of Clue really.

The Avs game was equally entertaining. Justin's dad pulled some connections and got us club seat tickets. It was great high-scoring game, and we had some really good seats as well as a few free drinks! We capped the night off with a riveting game of Monty Python Fluxx... if you've never played it, I suggest... no I command thee to go forth and purchase it post haste.

We're looking forward to playing host again very shortly... tonight that is, when our friend Adrian stays over with us before returning to Portland. , then again in about a week when some of my college buddies come out for a pre-bachelor party and spring break trip. That will then be followed by a visit from my parents.

Gotta love living in an extremely popular city!

1 comment:

  1. Is it a popular city or simply a popular host that attracts all these visitors?
