Saturday, January 23, 2010

Once again...

Surprise, surprise... I'm doing a lousy job of holding up my end of the bargaining in the wedding planning - it's been over a month since my last post, and certainly not for lack of things to write about!

Without further delay, here's a quick re-cap of our lives since the last post:

Shortly after moving into the new house we were able to host Amanda's family for Christmas. We shared a very atypical Christmas day, dawning paint brushes, rollers and my old high school t-shirts instead of... um... well whatever people would typically dawn for this festive day. With 14 hands hard at work we were able to finish all but one room of the main floor. Any self-respecting Dutchman can recognize the value of family labour. We did offer in return an afternoon of snowshoeing in the Rocky Mountains, which provided some great scenery for next year's Christmas card :)

The New Year was much more eventful than we would have preferred. Having gotten my top two wisdom teeth removed that morning, we decided to have a low-key evening with our friends Adam and Megan. We celebrated the New Year along with the East Coast, and I was ready to cash in my chips by 10:30pm local time (lame, I know!). Before going to bed I took a vicodin - not so much for the pain, but just so I could sleep comfortably through the night... well, that didn't happen! I woke up around 2am to go to the bathroom and ended up passing out twice in the bathroom. The second time I didn't come to for a bit. When I did, Amanda had already dialed 9-1-1. Anyway, the long and short of it was I got an ambulance ride (for fear that I might pass out on the way to the ER again) and spent two hours in the ER just to have them tell me I was dehydrated - oh, and did I mention that I drank 5-6 glasses of water that evening! I'm not a doctor, but if one drinks that much, AND gets up in the middle of the night to relieve one's bladder, the likely scenario isn't dehydration - but like I said, I'm not a doctor. Anyway, I've since recovered and am waking up to the reality of insurance bills - who knew EKGs and labs could cost so much? I really shouldn't complain too much though - I am very fortunate to have my health, and not to mention a beautiful fiancee who strives to maintain it... was that too cheesy?

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